Current Small Groups Bible Studies:
Women’s Ministry:
Our Women’s Ministry offers bible studies in the fall and spring, along with events and fellowship throughout the year. All women are welcome to attend. For more information, email info@discovercrosspointe.com or call the CrossPointe office at (219) 464-3350.
MOM (Mission of Motherhood) Group:
This group of moms of any age children meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday mornings September-May, 9:30-10:45am. Various topics are covered and all women are welcome to attend! Coffee, breakfast, and childcare are provided! For more information, email info@discovercrosspointe.com or call the CrossPointe office at (219) 464-3350.
CrossPointe Men:
CrossPointe Men currently have Bible Studies on Tuesday evenings. Get involved to enjoy hanging out with other guys and grow in your walk with Christ! For more information call the CrossPointe office at (219) 464-3350.
Active Adults Fellowship:
This group of men and women aged 55+ meets monthly for fun events, gatherings & outings.
For more information call the CrossPointe office at (219) 464-3350.
For more information call the CrossPointe office at (219) 464-3350.
CrossPointe Sunday Campus Groups:
We have classes for all age groups on Sundays at 9:30am at the church building. Parents with children from nursery through high school are encouraged to attend as they will find studies for all ages. Come check us out and see what CrossPointe has to offer! Please contact the church office for more details at (219) 464-3350.
Our GriefShare ministry is led by a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare meets at various times and dates throughout the year on Thursday nights. Please call the church office for more information at (219) 464-3350 or email us info@discovercrosspointe.com.
Why Join?
Life groups give you the opportunity to develop a community of strong friendships with others and helps you get connected to the church body.
Life groups provide you a safe place to share life’s difficulties. It’s great to have a community of friends who will support you through the good times and bad.
We all need friends in our lives that will push us to make changes in our lives in order to be more like Christ. You should want to surround yourself with a community of people who will challenge you to grow spiritually.
The Biblical meaning of fellowship is more than just having a good time. True fellowship is a community of friends sharing life together fueled by a love for Jesus.
Life Change
The Bible is “living and active” and the only source for true life change. Bible study is essential for becoming more like Christ and small groups provide an engaging and interactive environment for Bible study.
If you would like more information about small groups please contact the church offices at (219) 464-3350 or email us info@discovercrosspointe.com.