Give Online
Take advantage of our online giving solution and use our automation to make giving easier and more convenient. Please click on the PushPay picture on this page to begin giving online.
Text to Give
For your convenience you can text the word crosspointe to 77977 and follow the instructions. It’s that easy.
Estate Planning
Contact the office at (219) 464-3350 to learn how giving can be secured from estate planning.
Stored Assets
Gifts of stock are accepted at the request of donors. Call our office at (219) 464-3350 and ask for Jeff Crothers.
Cash or Check
Cash and checks can be given on Sunday mornings at CrossPointe. If you give cash and would like to receive an end of the year statement of your gift for tax purposes please ask one of our ushers for an offering envelope and make sure to include your name and mailing address. Checks can also be mailed to our church office.